Rocky Mountain Glow Co Logo

Be the one who creates an experience that is remembered.

Light up the room, the night, or someone's heart with custom messaging using vibrant 3-foot light-up marquee letters

Why light up your special celebration?

Modern yet Classic

Are you looking to make a classic feeling or a modern and hip impression? Light-up marquee letters resonate with young and old and help you make any event a bright experience!

Outstanding and Memorable

If pictures are worth a thousand words, these giant glowing marquee letters add to the epic story of your event. Create the experience that people remember and talk about for years.

Ambiance Inspiring

Marquee light-up letters inspire a warm and inviting vibe. Design an experience that people will remember and talk about when they think of a great time!

What's your occasion?

There are so many reasons to light-up your celebration. See what others have been doing with marquee messaging.

Request a consultation